Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Burger Days whimps out! Decides to celebrate National Burger Week instead of National Burger Month


We're fast approaching National Burger Month (11 days and counting), but someone over at Burger Days decided that they needed to go on a diet. So they slimmed down National Burger Month to National Burger Week.

C'mon guys! That is so 1992!! A week has seven days, May has 31. Seven burgers in seven days is even easier than falling out of bed. 31 burgers in 31 days is a better challenge. But the best would be 93 burgers in 31 days. Just like the song says, burgers for breakfast, burgers for lunch and burgers for dinner. For the entire month of May.

(unless of course they plan on eating their namesake burger exclusively, in which case we can cut them some slack)